‘From Tradition to the Future’

The opening ceremony of the exhibition titled ‘From Tradition to Future’, organized by IUE Art Coordinator Sinemis Eser Akaoğlu and project coordinated by Painter Dilşad Atasoy and featuring the works of 37 artists, was held with great enthusiasm. IUE Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Hakan Abacıoğlu presented each artist with a certificate in memory of the saplings donated to the Aegean Forest Foundation.
Speaking at the opening of the exhibition, Prof. Dr. Abacıoğlu reminded that, as part of the ‘Art on Campus’ project, which has been carried out by the University’s art coordination office since 2020 to bring young people and the people of Izmir together with art, they have hosted numerous events so far. Emphasizing their continuous support for art, Prof. Dr. Abacıoğlu said, “Esteemed artists have told us the story of parchment through the works they created on parchment itself. IUE’s ‘Art on Campus’ project is an initiative we started to keep the spirit of being on campus alive through activities in music, painting, theater, and all fields of art. We will continue to support life not only in the field of art but also in sports and all other areas. I sincerely thank all artists for making our University more beautiful.”
Painter Dilşad Atasoy, on the other hand, highlighted the great effort behind the realization of their project, saying, “We named our project ‘Parchment is an Adventure’ because parchment has been on a journey from ancient times to the present. We wanted to be part of this adventure. Our goal was for parchment to meet art, for its name to be heard again, and for Bergama, parchment, and Izmir to gain greater recognition in this context. We put in a lot of effort, and a beautiful exhibition emerged. Previously, we held this exhibition at the Bergama Museum, the Izmir Archaeology Museum, and Kültürpark. But the one that excites me the most is this exhibition at an educational institution because these works will meet young people. Young people will learn about parchment and the artists who have worked on it. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to IUE Art Coordinator Sinemis Eser Akaoğlu and Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Hakan Abacıoğlu for their great efforts in bringing this exhibition to campus.”