Izmir University of Economics’ ‘commemorative forest’ for women employees

The sapling planting ceremony held for the Izmir University of Economics March 8th Commemorative Forest was a scene of colorful images. IUE provided transportation from the campus for the ceremony, enabling female employees to participate in the event symbolically. Despite the cold weather, the women, who planted the saplings and watered them, experienced the joy of connecting with nature and participating in such a meaningful event.
IUE Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Aslı Ceylan Öner stated that the University has achieved an exemplary awareness for both women and nature. Prof. Dr. Öner said, “For this year's International Women's Day on March 8, we wanted to give our female employees a special gift that they will always remember. We thought about how we, as a University, can cultivate hope and goodness in nature, just as our female employees do on our campus. With this objective in mind, we decided to create a commemorative forest on behalf of our female employees in collaboration with the Aegean Forest Foundation. As a reflection of our idea that ‘Where there is a woman, there is life’, we took the first step by planting 2 thousand 250 saplings in Manisa Yurt Mountain.”
Stating that individual certificates would be created for female employees regarding the donations made, Prof. Dr. Öner said, “These saplings, which we planted on behalf of each of our female employees, will turn into trees and then into a lush forest over the years. Our female employees, who have a trace in every success of our University, will now have a permanent mark in nature. I congratulate all our women on March 8th International Women's Day and wish them days filled with happiness and health.”
Expressing that they have created a ‘healthy campus’ model as Izmir University of Economics and, as a requirement of this, prioritize projects that focus on sustainability, Prof. Dr. Öner said, “While resources are decreasing worldwide, population and needs are increasing in the opposite direction. This clearly shows us that we need to focus on sustainability for a healthy future. We shape our work at the University with this perspective. We are developing projects that will reduce carbon footprint and set an example for Turkey in terms of sustainability. In addition, we have implemented the ‘healthy campus’ concept to enhance our students' physical, social, and sports development. We hosted academics and administrative staff from universities in Europe on our campus to explain our project. A healthy campus is based on physical and mental health, healthy eating, environmental health, and sustainability. We develop many events and projects throughout the year with the participation of employees and students. The commemorative forest is a beautiful example of one of our environmental steps.”