IUE academics are on their way to Belgium

5 academics from Izmir University of Economics (IUE) will participate in the training program that the European Union (EU) started with the aim of training 'international teachers' considering the increasing student exchange between countries recently. IUE academics will attend the camp to be held in Belgium on September 27-28 within the scope of the project called "ITTS-International Teachers for Tomorrow’s Schools", which includes 7 countries. Participants will be trained on many topics such as cultural diversity, communication, discrimination, and inclusion in the program where only IUE academics from Turkey will be present.
Prof. Dr. Nesrin Oruç Ertürk, Director of IUE Continuing Education Center, Asst. Prof. Dr. Esin Çağlayan, Director of IUE Teaching and Learning Center, Faculty Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evrim Üstünlüoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aynur Yürekli and Asst. Prof. Dr. Bahar Gün from School of Foreign Languages will attend the training program to be hosted by Belgium for the first time this year. Giving information about the content of the training, Prof. Dr. Ertürk said that the program is considered very important by the EU and that it will continue to expand in the upcoming period.
Expressing that a total of 35 academic, 5 from each country, will attend the first meeting, Prof. Dr. Ertürk said, “The main method of the training program will consist of joint work and practical applications. There will be studies to put the acquired knowledge into practice in between classes. The project, led by the Bielefeld University in Germany, is very important in terms of the development of the concept of the 'international teacher'. Young people around the world are increasingly choosing to go outside their home country for education. When we look at the last 10 years, there is a significant increase in the number of foreign students who prefer our country. We accept international students not only from our close geography, but also from many European countries.”
Prof. Dr. Ertürk stated the following: “While the number of international students is increasing, it is very important for teachers to develop and renew themselves in this field. We participated in the project carried out with EU funding for this reason. We thought that the development of our academics in this field would also fit the vision of Izmir University of Economics, which aims to become a world-class university. As a university, we attach great importance to being involved in projects for the development of academics and their integration with the world, and we see it as one of our priorities to carry out studies on this subject. This last program we participated in was a good example of this.”
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